Maria Fernanda López

Nov 28, 2018

The Busy Person Guide to Stay Healthy

Hello friends! This blog post has been requested quite several times and finally I'm doing it, as you can tell by the title, this is my guide to stay healthy while being busy.

I am that type of people who love being busy most of the time but I do need my breaks and sometimes life gets a little bit overwhelming with all the to do list and homework. You know that work never stops, homeworks are endless and in top of that we've got exams (if you are a student).

I'm a university student, two semester to graduate so the difficulty of my courses is increasing, I have always been super responsible with all the projects and deadlines, I'm one of the top of my classes. I'm not telling you this because I'm a show off, I'm telling you this because it's possible to be healthy and still keep up with life.

Here I will mention some of the things I do that works for me and may also work for you weather you are a busy student, at work or you just want to manage your tasks and still have time to be healthy.

Train Early

I go to the gym 5 days a week, I do crossfit at 6 am in the morning. I know it may sound crazy but the reality is that this works for me. The perks of working out early in the morning are a a lot!

- It energizes me

- It wakes up my brain for my classes

- I have the rest of the afternoon to do other tasks

- I have the afternoon to rest from the day

And also, after a long day all I want to to go home and rest, going to the gym at that time is not that appealing to me, probably that works for you... Just to whatever makes you feel better.

Don't leave your tasks for the last minute

Don't over think them and just do them! Grab your tea, coffee or water and make things happen! Put your phone and social medias out of the sight and set them in mute, you don't need more distractions. Also if you leave things for last probably they all accumulate eventually.

If you have free time and things to do, use that time in your advantage! You'll be thanking yourself later, trust me! That will leave you with more time with hang out with people that you love, do activities you love, etc.

Sleep Early

You need to get some sleep! Get your beauty sleep, and make sure you get quality sleep. Make sure your room is pitch black since our eyes have sensitive light receptors. I try to sleep at the same hours during the weekend and of course, no alarms!

Also, do not hit snooze! Get up without thinking about it that much, that sleepiness feeling is just temporary! You've got a great day ahead so go crush it.

Write your To-do list in your agenda

I recently got an agenda and I prepare all the things I need to do during the week. I plan my week ahead so I have plenty of time to do everything and still have time to rest, I also include self care in my agenda.

Have good snacks on hand

I love snacks, I prepare them myself to leave them in the freezer for the week and also bring my snacks to school, these are one of my favorites:

- BHU foods protein bars because the ingredients are incredible and the taste is unreal, I love their keto cookies too! "PURELYBHU" for discount

- PHAT FUDGE, because fat is fuel and it keeps me fuel for longer periods of time.

- True Lemon, these are lemon packets made from all natural ingredients (nothing weird on them) for my lemon water after the gym, these are perfect on the go!

Meal prep or do one pan meals

This is the easiest part! just preheat the oven at 350F, chop some veggies and roast them for 25-28 minutes. The same for for meats! One sheet pan, chicken breasts and into the oven for 28-30 minutes! Easy peasy. You'll have food for some days and just add some salsas and healthy fats to make a switch every day.

#lifestyle #guide #survivalguide #busy #wellness #mealprep #sleep
