By know you probably already know that I love love love tahini, and it has been a very important food ever since I started to seed cycling. There's always tahini in my pantry, ready to create a monthly recipe because of the cycle.
In this occasion I wanted to keep it seasonal and fun by incorporating some peaches I bought the other day, fresh. Then I sliced them and freeze them, that also one life hack that I have been obsessed with.

I'm that person, and nutritionist that love having berries and some other fruits in my freezer, all year long even though I try to eat as seasonal as possible. But let's not forget the fact that fruits are also a great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Wait, is fruit keto?
In my opinion, there's no "un-keto" food, as long is it doesn't kick you out of ketosis. It also depends how are you eating it, of course, breaking your fast with a banana or an apple will definitely will kick you out of ketosis very rapidly because glucose or in this case fructose will spike your insulin levels.

Instead, try moderation and combining your foods with protein, fats and fiber to reduce the glycemic index.
In this case I labeled this recipe as keto, why? Because for each serving size there's only 6.4 grams of total carbs, and to keep a state of ketosis all day long it's recommended to stay below 30 grams. This will depend on the person, metabolic state and physical activity.
Also, each of these little pies have 2.8 grams of fiber so this makes net carbs to be 3.6 grams, cool! So this is why I say that yes, you can also eat fruit by being keto.
Personally I don't label my diet or count my ketone levels, I just do what works for my body and that's what I encourage to all my community and clients. YOU DO YOU, and always respect every one else diet because we are all different.

So back to this recipe, the ingredients together are SIMPLY INDULGENT! Some of the one used are:
Dairy free Low Carb Chocolate
Low Carb Protein Powder (I used Nuzest, code PURELYHL for 15% off)
So very simple, very vegan, very keto and very delicious! Perfect for those meal preps since this is a freezer recipe, no baking required. Easy as that, and the taste won't disappoint you. They will hit the sweet spot in the most indulgent way possible!

For this recipe you are only going to use some simple kitchen utensils:
One mixing bowl
One mixing spoon
One silicone muffin container of twelve
So besides being tasty, keto and vegan, the nutritional content is DENSE! Tahini is a great source of vitamin E, healthy fatty acids, zinc and some B vitamins. The dairy free chocolate is minimally processed, I have been obsessed with Joyà chocolate and it a great source of theobromine, an antioxidant and of course, peaches are a course of vitamin A and C. Almonds, again, vitamin E.

And since we are using Nuzest Vanilla Protein (code PURELYHL for 15% discount) these little pies are also a great filling snack, each bite has 6.9 grams of vegan protein. I also recommend their Vanilla Digestive Support Protein if you find that typical proteins get you a little bit bloated.
Anyways, you are going to love this recipe! A true explosion of delicious flavors, all keto and vegan! Remember to save this recipe for later, pin, share or bookmark...
With love,
Try more recipes here
Tahini Peaches Vanilla Pies
By María Fernanda López
Serves 12
1/3 cup of granulated monk fruit
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
3/4 cup of tahini
2 bars (60g) of dairy free chocolate
1 cup (140g) of frozen peaches in pieces
1/4 cup (30g) of raw almonds
In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients.
Add the tahini and water, mix well. Until there are no lumps left.
Pour the mix into twelve silicone muffin cups.
Top with crushed chocolate and peaches.
Freeze for a couple of hours and ENJOY!
Nutritional Information (per serving 152 kcal)
Fat: 12.1g
Carbs: 6.4g
Fiber: 2.8g
Net Carbs: 3.6g
Protein: 6.9g

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