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Thougths: Social Media Disorienting Health and Life.

Maria Fernanda López

Hey there, Maria here with another post! After a long while, I know. I wanted to share some thoughts that had been on my mind for quite a while now; social media is making look everything you do like an eating disorder. Seriously WHY?!

As a person who spends some time in social media like Instagram it is easier for me to see that, suddenly everyone is demonaizing sugar, doing sugar detox, removing night shades, fruitless smoothies, then people are telling to eat whatever you want because is the healthier way to eat.

And also we have the types of diets like paleo, keto, vegan, whole foods, etc. A person eating a certain way, for example keto, suddenly people think that this person has eating disorder. And I could agree if that person really restricts every carb from it's diet because it's afraid of breaking their regimen. But how about if that guy or girl feels amazing eating that way and the moment they eat something unusual they feel physiologically like crap?

There's have been studies proving over and over again that some certain diets help with sick people and making individuals feel with more energy. Of course we are all different, we all come from different roots. But there's no reason why we should say that someone has an eating disorder if they feel awesome the way they are living.. without any fear!

In exercise it's another point I want to touch, sometimes we don't realize that our bodies are tired and need rest after a long week. If we are tired physically and psycologically we can't take a rest day, again because of fear that's when we have a problem.

We should have a balance in our lives and not being afraid to go out for drinks or for pizza with friends. Life is life and we shouldn't live in a bubble.

What means balance for me?

My point of view as a little geek person a balanced life is made with two main studies, physiology (which involves how you body works in a healthy state) and psychology. We should listen to both, mind and body, not being afraid of trusting your body.

Follow your ethics, passions, do yo! Find what works for you, be your own guinea pig. The point is to be happy, it's starts from the inside, eat real food and reduce inflammation, stress. Don't mimic a random person, be your own competitor.

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