Hello there amazing reader, holiday season is offiacially here! And I couldn't be more excited about it. The stores are filled with beautiful decorations, seasonal foods, the smell is crisp, sweaters and cozy blankets are out. Besides the semester is almost over, definetely times flies! I still remember so vividly my first day at university like it was yesterday but now I'm closer to graduate, which can be kind of scary.
Something that I have learned over this passed years is that life can be messy but every moment it is an opportunity to learn. I'm grateful for all the hard times and of course the moments of joy. Specially in this season we feel the need to spend more time with our favorite people and that's a good thing! The perfect excuse to take a time to appreciate those who have been so supportive and caring, to join on a delicious meal.
Dinners have always been part of a celebration but now we have been incorporated new things to the usual gathering at dinner, like playing futball, watching movies, playing board games, doing a fun activity outside and I know that sometimes preparing dinner can take a lot of time plus all the fun that could possibly happen during all the preparation time.

In my family we used to gather and bring a variety of dishes so it could be plenty of time to have a fun activity, now that we all moved to diferrent cities preparing the turkey plus all the other yummy foods takes a lot of time! And I love cooking but after doing all the job I ended up to tired and with the fear that somebody wouldn't like my food.
But this year I have a secret card under my sleeve (just like magicians)! Can you guess what is it? First clue: It's my happy place after Disneyland.
Second clue: I bet it's one of your favorite places to visit as well.
Third clue: I trust and love the food in this place.
The answer? Of course it was Whole Foods Market! Their holiday menu fits every person, and of course it's a warranty that the food is delicious. Don't worry if you have vegan familiy or friends, they got it! You can get holiday dinners from raw to already cooked, you just have to order here.
Also if you are just feeling like doing a meal for youself or need to bring something to a dinner party they offer already prepared dishes like butternut squash with cranberries, green beans, honey carrots with cumin, mash potatoes, even turkey breast. A win for Whole Foods Market again!
This week it was my dad's birthday and honestly we are all pretty occupied during the week so we are celebrating in the weekend. In the meantime we decided to grab some of the foods available at my local Whole Foods Market just to make his day a little more special, in the end he totally deserved it!
Sponsored by Whole Foods Market.