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  • Maria Fernanda López

Keeping up with your health and enjoy life

Life is unexpected, it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable. For some people the definition of healthy includes strict habits of diet and exercise, but I'm pretty sure that's definitely not the definition of healthy. Health for me is feeling good from your inside out, doing what your gut feels like without feeling it like a punishment or like an obligation you have to get over it.

Eating healthy is one of the factors of a healthy life. Food is our way to heal and prevent most of diseases, not the only one because as much as I preach that food is medicine, western medicine also has great power to heal, but it has a place and a moment.

An active life is another way to increase your health, nowadays most of the people don't have a max of 4,000 steps a day, these people are sedentary. If you have two useful legs, and a whole body being sedentary has some risks like loosing muscle, bone density, minerals from your bones, you body can be prone to more inflammations, hormonal imbalances and your immune system can get weaker. (1)

Exercise has a tons of benefits and we all pretty much know what are them but here are just some to remind you, increases muscle mass, it boost your mood and energy, you'll get a better sleep, can increase the production of natural antioxidants, reduces the chances of getting a chronic disease, besides it's fun and a great way to socialize! (2,3)

I'm a person who loves working out, did I always felt this way? Probably not. As kids we all were playing around hide and seek, chasing each others and just being kids. We were active without even knowing or care about it, we just had fun. I loved jumping on the trampoline and doing gymnastic tricks, I loved playing football, soccer and baseball with my neighbors.

My point here is that physical activity shouldn't feel like chore! You should enjoy it! Find something that you like, join a dance club, basketball, baseball, volleyball team, crossfit, a box club, etc. The options are unlimited!

Eating healthy can be a hard task with all the marketing and fast-food restaurants in every corner, healthy options can look a bit more expensive but the truth is that is doesn't have to be this way! I find that it's actually cheaper, the key is to buy basic ingredients, do a master piece with some spices, and a good fat like a homemade olive oil dressing, avocados, nuts etc. My meals are a great product of all the basics or anything I find in my fridge, and they never get boring. I love adding good quality marinara sauces, salsas, hummus and nut butters, which by the way making these at home can be super cheap.

Now! the main point of this blog. How to keep up with life and with your health?

At school or work: Meal prep, get some quality snacks to take, and schedule your workouts with your school schedule. Try not to sacrifice sleep hours so don't prognosticate your school work! I find that making things ahead of time or just in time leaves me with more free time. I personally try not to sacrifice sleep ours so if you have the chance to make your school schedule nice great! but also you have always the option to workout in the morning or in the afternoon, whatever works for you. If you want to workout but the only time is super early (5am or 6am) make it a fun workout! That way you won't be hating waking up super early and it won't feel like a huge sacrifice.

On Vacations: Let's remember that vacations should be enjoy, if you are traveling somewhere new don't be afraid to try new options or they local dishes. But again, another tip to save money and stay healthy is bringing with you some quality snacks, browse on the internet the closes health super market or look up for healthy restaurants. If you are traveling with your family and they choose any restaurant, choose something that looks appealing to your taste buds and it's healthy at the same time. Asking the waiter for some changes is valid! You should enjoy your meal and also shouldn't be the annoying one that ruins everyone desire to eat in an specific place. Also you can let them choose one restaurant one day and you another day where there can be options for anyone.

Staying with family: I know that for some people it can be kind of annoying to buy different foods for all the visitors and you may look like a picky eater. My suggestion is for you to offer cooking for them as a sign of gratitude for being the hosts, also in my case, my family is open to try new things so I get them some things that I would eat and giving them to try. And ALWAYS try not to stress about it, it's just for a short period of time, you won't wreck your body.

Fitting a physical activity in the last two is simple! walk, explore, run in a safe area, go the the gym in the hotel and also they are a tons of ideas in the internet to workout in your room with luggage, or just body weight!

My go to snacks or equipment:

- Healthy Human: keeps any hot drink hot for hours and hours, a cold one cold for a long time as well! ("PURELY10" for discount)

- Planet Box: Keeps my food fresh and nicely organized! No waste so it's good for our planet.

-Bhu Foods Bars: Protein, good fats and no artificial anything, the taste is incredible! LOVE THEM. ("PURELYBHU" for discount).

-Health Warrior: I love their pumpkin seed and chia seed bars! Delish, and filling! ("purely_healthy_living30" for discount.


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